1st Year Birthday Giveaway

8:42 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
wau so many buttons... thats why he name is planet of button..so impressed...

Birthday Clipart

to join

To be eligible for this giveaway, you should do the following:

1. Become Button Planet's follower
2. Leave a comment at the end of this entry

3. Make an entry in your blog about Button Planet's 1st Birthday and this giveaway, If you don't have a blog, then sent an email to your friends, relatives, groups, etc (and cc the email to Button Planet's email)
4. After that leave a comment here again about it..

This giveaway is open to all Button Planet's customers and followers until the end of this month...that is 31st January 2010.
A random generator will be used to select the winners...

0 sweet talk: